Discipleship is a week-long program for Christians aged 18+ to help you dig deeper into the Bible and develop your faith. There's good food, fun fellowship and learning how to study and apply the Bible. We spend the mornings teaching through a biblical topic/passage not only learning the material, but also how to study and discover the material.
There are usually two levels, with newcomers studying Titus as a group and one chapter from Romans 1-6 individually. Those who have already come to Discipleship have the opportunity to dig in to a different passage/topic. Some examples from the past include: Abraham (Genesis), Kings Saul and David (1Samuel-2Samuel), Psalms, Minor Prophets (Jonah, Hosea), Matthew, Mark, Ephesians, Life of Paul, How to Prepare a Message.
Mornings are dedicated to group study, afternoons are dedicated to individual study using the techniques learned in the morning. In the evenings there is free time for fellowship. There is a short presentation at the end of the week where participants can share what they have learned. Guidance and feedback will be available throughout the entire process.
We have the following as our mission statement:
To grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2Peter 3:18) so that we can glorify God (Ephesians 1:12) and be equipped to build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)
A video with some reactions of previous participants at Discipleship is coming soon!
Discipleship 2025
April 26-May 3, 2025
A cottage near Sundridge, ON
The cost is $200 and includes everything for the week (accomodations, meals, activities, seminar materials, etc).
Program Director
Team Members

Stephen Vance
Organizer and TeacherAlong with his wife Cynthia, Stephen organizes all the events of GNGO, from being Summer Camp director and the Teen Connect leader, to being the teacher of the adult Exploring God and Life classes.
Team Members
Bryan Joyce
Team Members

Brian Kember
My wife, Jeanette, and I pastor a church in Cornwall, Ontario. We have regular Bible studies and organize youth camps on our property. I have worked with Stephen with the discipleship camps since they started. We have a desire to see the youth grow spiritually.