Lesson 13: Who Can Forgive Sins?

Forgiveness involves the removal of sin, and the freedom and peace that comes. Of course, forgiveness is never deserved, but as Jesus showed at the cross when he said over and over “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” God is a God who loves to

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Lesson 14: Spiritual Peace for Today

In a world of global crises on the verge of eruption, one of the most beautiful titles of Jesus is that He is The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Peace starts in our hearts when we deal with the disconnection between us and God, but it is a lifelong journey

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Lesson 16: Amazing Grace

God’s law is quite frightening, because its standards are much higher than a country’s civil laws – God looks for complete truth in our hearts. Grace, however, is the concept of a gift, something which we receive for free. It is obviously the characteristic of a God of love who

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Lesson 17: Heaven – Are You Going?

The Bible describes heaven as a place without and suffering, sorrow, tears, crying or pain, all because it is a place without any sin or death. Remember that since there are no unbelievers in heaven, if you want to be in God’s beautiful home, you must trust God’s beloved Son!

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Lesson 18: How to Accept Christ

Originally at the beginning of the human race, Adam and Eve had complete access to God, but sin closed that door. Because the Lord Jesus sacrificed Himself at the cross, the door of salvation was swung completely open so that now sinners can enter in through Jesus Christ! But we

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Lesson 19: Priority #1

This lesson explores Jesus story about a man who put himself and his current physical success first, and neglected his future with God. Life goes best when Jesus Christ is put first!

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Knowing and Growing

Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and

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Knowing and Growing: Praying through life

Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and

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